Structured Funds

Alamos Capital structures and operates structured funds for companies and investors.

Structured funds, also known as alternative funds, are focused on real economy assets. They can be established for a company to meet certain capital needs, or by investors for differentiated returns or diversification.

The main structured funds are:

Private Credit Funds

Also known as Receivables Investment Funds (FIDC). These are funds aimed at acquiring private credit securities, derived from a company's receivables. In this way, investors foster the flow of capital necessary for the company to grow by financing its purchases and sales on credit.

Private Equity Funds

Also known as Equity Investment Funds (FIP). Equity-focused funds seek to invest in promising companies for financial return with profit distribution or potential future sale. They can also be used by family companies for asset management or succession and tax planning. Foreigners can use equity funds as a strategy to acquire rural properties in Brazil.

Real Estate Funds

Also known as Real Estate Investment Funds (FII). These types of funds have varied strategies, but are generally focused on acquiring or building property and obtaining financial gains through income from rental contracts (urban real estate) and leases (rural real estate) or profit from real estate appreciation when selling the property in the future.

Agribusiness Funds

Also known as Investment Fund in Agro-industrial Chains (Fiagro). These funds offer tax advantages and seek to attract resources from investors to invest in agribusiness assets, such as rural real estate or related to the sector's companies and production.

Project Horizon

Alamos Capital is developing a project for financial promotion of strategic sectors of the economy by combining innovative software technologies and investor capital.